Feng Shui. You are what you think. You are the reflection of the decor and art work hanging in your surroundings - be it home , office or even vacation hotel room on the roads and travels of life. The very choice of the wall hangings that you choose for your home , condo or work environments will play no small part in your ultimate successes or failures in what we consider the journeys of our lives.
Every day we are influenced by what is around us - the words and vocabulary that we use, the scents that we smell and the sights that we take in. After all the goal and goals of Feng Shui are to promote beauty in the world, harmony among its inhabitants and surroundings and the raising of our thoughts and ambitions towards lofty and even greater goals.
Take the time and effort to carefully choose and plan the art work and decor that you wish to set up and hang in your living and working spaces. There is no doubt about it. By taking the time and effort to discriminate what is good and not good to have hanging on your walls and your environs this can have both a very positive or even negative influence on both your thoughts and moods.
It can be said very straightforwardly and overall that Feng Shui, at its very foundation and foundations encourages and nurtures the application of beautiful as well as sustaining images to add positive energy and vitality to our environment and environments. Thus pictures as well as artwork of depressing subjects , violence and in addition photos and representations whose presence is "blue" or makes us sad or unhappy are to put it mildly are not suitable , appropriate and certainly not a wise choice or choices for the walls or our home , office or even vacation hotel rooms.
At the end of the day so to speak we have to ask ourselves have we lived life to the fullest. Have we contributed to the lives of others , made a positive impact or were we just putting in time on this earth ? Feng Shui.
Every day we are influenced by what is around us - the words and vocabulary that we use, the scents that we smell and the sights that we take in. After all the goal and goals of Feng Shui are to promote beauty in the world, harmony among its inhabitants and surroundings and the raising of our thoughts and ambitions towards lofty and even greater goals.
Take the time and effort to carefully choose and plan the art work and decor that you wish to set up and hang in your living and working spaces. There is no doubt about it. By taking the time and effort to discriminate what is good and not good to have hanging on your walls and your environs this can have both a very positive or even negative influence on both your thoughts and moods.
It can be said very straightforwardly and overall that Feng Shui, at its very foundation and foundations encourages and nurtures the application of beautiful as well as sustaining images to add positive energy and vitality to our environment and environments. Thus pictures as well as artwork of depressing subjects , violence and in addition photos and representations whose presence is "blue" or makes us sad or unhappy are to put it mildly are not suitable , appropriate and certainly not a wise choice or choices for the walls or our home , office or even vacation hotel rooms.
At the end of the day so to speak we have to ask ourselves have we lived life to the fullest. Have we contributed to the lives of others , made a positive impact or were we just putting in time on this earth ? Feng Shui.
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