Pepper Spray and MACE: Great Protection

By Jim Wilkinson

Of course sun guns and tasers are good self defense weapons but Pepper Spray is a very good alternative. The reason why is because it incapacitates an attacker for a longer period of time by limiting their ability to function. They cough, they choke, they have trouble seeing and it causes a really severe burning sensation on their skin. This in turn gives you a better chance of escaping the situation.

It does not get much easier in terms of use than being able to use Pepper Spray. All you have to do is aim it an attacker's face and press the button on the canister. A lot of people have been able to get out of dangerous situations because they used their self defense spray. The features of pepper spray are that it is easy to use, it is very effective, and it is simple.

Another nice thing about buying Pepper Spray is that you can keep your distance from an attacker. With a stun gun you have to be real close and touching him with the stun gun for it to work. The effects of a stun gun will last for several moments as his muscles and nervous system are disabled.

Compare the time frame that a stun gun gives you to escape to that of using pepper spray. With pepper spray your attacker will not be able to function effectively for up to a half hour. He will be temporarily blinded, he will be finding it difficult to breath and he will be choking. And, you have done all this without having to get real close to an attacker. You can stay 8 - 10 feet away and the pepper spray will still be effective.

The main ingredient used in pepper spray is cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper causes a major burning sensation when applied to the skin, and will cause extreme asphyxiation when inhaled. For these reasons, and for best results, it is recommended to be sprayed into the face of the attacker. After spraying the attacker, rest assure that they will be disabled long enough for you to flee and seek help.

Having experienced pepper spray myself (as a police officer, not a criminal, ha!) I can relate to you the extreme, extreme burning sensation to the eyes and the skin surrounding the eyes. Your attacker's eyes will swell up dramatically and clamp shut. They will have no vision at all. This helps you in that you can run away and he will have no clue in which direction you ran.

The effects described by the use of pepper spray might seem frightening. Don't worry about causing any long term damage to an attacker. Sure, he is going to be very uncomfortable for awhile but so what. The effects start to wear off after about a half an hour. As far as is known no one has ever died from being hit with pepper spray.

Bottom line is that pepper spray is an effective, excellent choice when buying a self defense product. It works and it is the least expensive personal protection device that you can get. Effective, inexpensive, and easy to use make pepper spray a good buy!

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